If you are considering marriage counseling, you have probably heard two different versions of whether it's great or terrible. One thing you should know is that everyone who has ever had marriage counseling has either been successful or unsuccessful. So, you could talk to your brother, sister and boss about marriage counseling and hear that it's a terrible idea while talking to your aunt, mother and friends and being told it's a great idea. The key is to decide whether it's right for you. Here are some marriage counseling facts that may help you decide.
Marriage Counseling Does Not Follow Specific Rules
Marriage counselors do not have a big rule book that they use to determine the problems in your relationship. They are much like doctors in that they have to determine what's wrong based on your unique situation, personalities and demeanors. Your counselor will have to take a good look at your relationship and individual selves in order to help you determine the root problems and how to eliminate them. Just because someone tells you that their counselor has done 'this' or 'that', it doesn't mean your counselor will do the same or even if he or she did - they might not have the same results.
You Must Be Completely Honest with Your Marriage Counselor
It's really important that you're honest with your marriage counselor about everything. There are many things he or she will need to know in order to help you improve or save your marriage. Some people feel as if counselors have no need to know this or that, but in truth, they do. If you are going to go to a counselor, you should be prepared to spill the beans. There may be things you feel uncomfortable talking about, things that might upset or even embarrass you. However, if you're serious about saving your marriage, it's important to let him or her know all you can divulge so they are better prepared to help you.
There Is No Set Time That Marriage Counseling Ends
For some, marriage counseling may completely resolve all problems within months. For others, it could take years. There is no set time that marriage counseling ends and it is all dependent upon variables such as your relationship, how much damage has been done, your personalities and willingness to commit and much more. While your marriage counseling may be over in just a few months, be prepared because it could take a longer period of time. If you are dedicated to saving your marriage, you may need to be prepared to put in extensive time in marriage counseling.
When you learn the facts about marriage counseling, you will be at an advantage. You will have the information you need to make marriage counseling work for your marriage. None of us want to end up in divorce and by knowing what you're in for, you can help save your marriage through marriage counseling.
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